Weekend Reading – 4.26.20

Well it’s day…43(??) of social distancing/self-quarantining and I feel like I’ve finally got a rhythm going. I have passed the cabin fever stage and moved into a state of my new normal. I’ve been doing a lot of projects around the house that I could never seem to find time for before the Coronavirus (I keep wanting to write BC for before Coronavirus, but I feel like that could get sacrilegious real quick… But I digress). Anywho.. I’ve got some great links for y’all including some of my favorite online sales I’ve seen during quarantine so click, read, and enjoy! Happy Sunday!!

I know it’s trendy these days, especially for people adhering to a Paleo diet etc., but my mom actually has to eat gluten-free, so this banana bread recipe was perfect for us while I hunkered down at home with my family for a month. I actually found it because I was looking for a low-carb option, and was pleasantly surprised with the results.

In every good apocalypse movie, what is the first thing that the smart survivors do? Get the heck out of town! Am I right? Well, turns out it’s been a pretty good strategy for the Coronavirus too, but now experts are predicting that rural areas will eventually be hit as hard as well. We haven’t seen this pan out yet, but nonetheless, living in Arkansas, this was a good read.

Everyone pretty much knows that exercise (among other great benefits) is a great mood booster and anxiety reliever, so this article wasn’t exactly breaking news, but it was, nonetheless, interesting, and in good support of a 4-day-a-week exercise regime.

On that note, here is a link to my quarantine workout playlist on YouTube! I’ve been loving it – and all from home.

If you missed the memo, the CDC is now recommending cloth face masks for everyone if you do have do go out. My friend Bekah is making some super cute ones over at Little Magnolia Goods that I just love. I never thought the day would come when I discussed cute options for face masks, but it’s here y’all.

Speaking of cute face masks, United By Blue has salvaged hemp blend face masks back in stock, along with LOADS of sustainable living items. I love this company for a lot of reasons, but the best one is that for every product purchased they remove a pound of trash from oceans and waterways. If that wasn’t enough reasons to check them out, you can get an extra 30% off of sale items with the code FRESHAIR right now.

Avocado, an LA based company with the softest, prettiest workout and atheleisure items made with an eco-conscious approach, is giving you 20% off your entire order with the code SAFEATHOME. Get you some.

If you’re looking for some new beauty products with clean, skin-loving ingredients, look no further than Wander Beauty. I love their “On-the-glow” blush and illuminator multi-stick, and their “Glow Ahead” illuminating face oil. You can get $20 off your order by clicking here.

I know the world of “clean beauty” and clean living in general can be overwhelming, so here is a list of EWG verified products to make your life easier. EWG has taken the guesswork out of knowing which consumer products are safer and healthier for you and your family.

This link is (sort of) in honor of my boyfriend Michael, who is maybe the most budget conscious human I’ve ever met… but the Skimm put together a great article on how to adjust your budget if you’ve been furloughed or let go from a job.

Hope you guys enjoy these links! Let me know what you like, or if there is more of something you’d like to see on here. Stay safe out there!

XO – Shelby

Weekend Reading – 4.3.20

Wow! It’s been a hot minute.. and what a crazy time we are living in! As the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe and we’re quarantined to our homes, it’s a great time to learn something new, try something different, and check things off that ever-growing list. I want to start posting a weekly reading list of articles, products, etc. that I’ve found interesting or informative that week. So without further adieu, I give you the first edition of my weekend reading list!

  • Looking to shop more sustainably in 2020? Here is a good place to start. There is so much more to ethical shopping than you might think, as shown in the infamous 2015 documentary, The True Cost. Haven’t seen it? Check it out here.
  • I think we could all use a bit of poetry in our lives just about now. “Softly Glowing Exit Signs feels exactly like spending hours, being up all night, with a person bearing their soul, to which all you can be is silent, and listen, and all you can say is, ‘Thanks for sharing all of this with me.’ “
  • Thinking about trying the keto diet? Read this information on everyone’s favorite offender (ie – carbs) first.
  • Wondering how you can do your part to help relieve Covid-19 suffering. Give blood. The Red Cross reports that blood donation during this pandemic is more crucial than ever.
  • I just found these beautiful, zero waste linen produce bags from Magic Linen and I am in LOVE! Someone please buy me another set (it also happens to be my birthday next week, just sayin).
  • Wondering how to better care for your cast iron skillet that’s getting a lot more use lately due to social distancing? Consider chain mail.
  • If you’re a fledgling climber like myself, you might be wondering how to “quarantrain” to preserve those burgeoning muscle groups you’ve been working so hard on developing. This stay-at-home training routine can help!
  • One of my favorite Bible apps, Dwell is offering 60 days free to churches and schools in response to Covid-19. If you haven’t heard of the app, it is a scripture listening app perfect for walks, drives, or listening anytime. I love it. Nothing eases , and comforts the soul quite like Jesus.

Hope you’re all staying healthy and sane during this unprecedented time. Try to find some stillness in this and embrace this forced reset for what it can be.

XO –
