So much to say, so little time

It’s fair to say I’ve taken a lengthy blogging hiatus… But I promise, I had good cause! Once again, April in 2017 was a huge month for me. Not only is it my birth month, but I ran my first (and probably last) half marathon! And (low-key) received word that I had been accepted to the inaugural class of Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine. Those that have been following me for very long (both here, and on Oak and Earth), know that this has been a huge, long-time goal of mine. I actually discussed my first acceptance to medical school in another post, but as I said then, it just felt off. I’m so happy that I trusted God and decided to wait, because I was thrilled to be accepted at ARCOM!

white coat

I just finished my first year of medical school last week, and suffice it to say it was a whirlwind. I honestly haven’t had a chance to process it thoroughly, or how I feel having completed it, but I can tell you it was incredibly stressful, and the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

I want to write a more thorough post on this year and all that it entailed, but I’m currently packing for a mission trip to Peru that I leave for today! So for now, I’ll just say, look for Peru posts here (wi-fi access permitting!!) and as always,

Live healthy, and love hard!

– Shelby